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Monday, January 18, 2010

Marriage Tips: Present a united front

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Marriage Tips: Present a united front

Marriage can be wonderful. Sharing your day to day life with the man you love is a truly special feeling. However, marriage can also be tiresome, frustrating and darn right annoying. You will probably experience just as many downs as you do ups.
Regardless of what's happening at home, you should always maintain a united front when you're out in public.
As hard as it may be, you should be nothing but pleasant and respectful to your husband when you're in other people's company.
Washing your dirty laundry in public is not only embarrassing but it also deepens the divide between the two of you.
So put a smile on your face, hide your feelings and generally act normally.
You may just find the that the time spent pretending you're getting on like a house on fire actually helps alleviate some of the animosity between you.

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