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Thursday, June 24, 2010

the Poison of Flirting(Flirting is criminal) - Wedding Ideas

the Poison of Flirting(Flirting is criminal) - Wedding Ideas

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the Poison of Flirting(Flirting is criminal)

Trust is one of the essential building blocks of a happy marriage.
As soon as the trust goes, the relationship starts to crumble.
If you want to see the trust your partner has in you disappear before your eyes, then simply flirt with other men in front of him.
You may think you're just messing around with his friend, his brother or even the waiter who is serving your table, but he certainly won't.
And we're not talking about something as obvious as sitting on another man's lap. Any slight flirtatious behaviour can get your husband thinking, "Can I trust her?"
This one small thought can fester in his mind and lead to a myriad of problems in your marriage.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Learn how to complain on marriage

Learn how to complain on marriage | wedding invitations cool design

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Learn how to complain on marriage
We all like to have a good moan, and when you're married it's usually your husband who's on the receiving end.
Complaining is an integral part of married life. Your spouse will do things that annoy or upset you and you certainly will complain about it
However, it's important to learn how to complain properly... and the secret to complaining properly is to be specific.
Tell him exactly what he has done wrong and how it has made you feel
If he loves you, he will recognize his mistake and be less likely to do it again.
Whatever you do, don't come out with sweeping statements such as, "you never take the rubbish out" or "you always make a mess of the bathroom."

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Be nice to one another on marriage

Be nice to one another on marriage | wedding invitations

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Be nice to one another on marriage
most women are nice people. We are kind, considerate and we treat others with respect.However, often these values are lost when it comes to our marriage and interacting with our husbands.
Of course, the love you have for one another means you can dispense with certain pleasantries.
But it doesn't mean you should treat him with contempt or speak to him like he's something you've just scraped off the sole of your shoe.
You may think it's harmless, but this behaviour can gradually wear away the ties that bind.Remember, you love this man. You would do anything for him. You want to spend the rest of your life with him. So be nice.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Remember the good times on marriage

Remember the Good Times on Marriage With Wedding Ideas

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Remember the good times on marriage
Although it's best for your marriage to concentrate on the and now, it can be beneficial to reminisce about the good time you've had.
Remembering that brilliant holiday you had together or recalling the time when he organised a surprise birthday party for you, can help strengthen the bond between a couple.
Reminiscing about memorable events also gives you hope and expectation for similar enjoyable times in the future.
It encourages you both to think, "you know what - we're actually quite good together."

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Complete Control Is Wrong on Marriage

Complete Control Is Wrong on Marriage | Wedding Ideas

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complete control Is Wrong on Marriage
Being in control is a good thing. It means you're organized, prepared and able to cope with whatever comes your way.
However, too much control can also be a bad thing, particularly in a marriage.
A husband and wife should be a team, and in a team you share responsibility, workloads and ultimately control.
Sometimes you rely on your partner and sometimes he relies on you.
This helps both parties feel valued as well as instilling a sense of self worth.
It also enables your partner to take a break and hand the reigns over to you.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Put The Time in (on Marriage)

Put The Time in (on Marriage) | Wedding Invitations And Ideas

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Put The Time in (on Marriage)

Quality time
every day of the week, you should make a real effort to spend some quality time with your husband.
It can be as little as ten minutes but those ten minutes can make all the difference.
And quality time doesn't mean sitting in front of the television together.
It means either talking to one another, without any distractions, or doing something constructive together.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Don't compare past relationships on Marriage

Don't compare past relationships on Marriage | Wedding Ideas

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Don't compare past relationships on Marriage
Every relationship you've ever had will have been different simply because no two men are the same.They can be similar but they're never the same.
So why on earth are you comparing your current marriage to previous marriages or relationships?Not only is it unhealthy, but it's just not possible.
You can only compare like with like.
So do yourself a favour, forget about the past, and concentrate on the present and the future

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two Homes Are not The Same on marriage

Wedding Ideas | Two Homes Are not The Same on marriage

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Two Homes Are not The Same on marriage
Every minute of the day in Great Britain, there will be a married couple arguing about their house.
The problem lies in the fact that different people view their home in different ways.
Just because you think of your house as a show home and keep everything exceptionally tidy, it doesn't mean you husband shares your view.
He may be of the opinion that a house is a home, and that a home should be lived in.
It's wrong to expect him to dispense with his own feelings just to make you happy.
You both need to compromise and meet somewhere in the middle. If you don't, there will be an argument waiting to happen 24hrs a day.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Make Your Self Happy on Marriage - Weding Tips And Ideas

Make Your Self Happy on Marriage | Wedding Tips And Ideas

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Make Your Self Happy on Marriage
Married women often complain that their husbands don't make them happy.
Of course, if your partner is a horrible person and a terrible husband, you have every right to blame him for your unhappiness.
However, if like most husbands, your man isn't like this then you cannot simple hold him responsible for your state of mind.
Happiness comes from within. Yes, your husband can try to put a smile on your face but ultimately you need to make yourself happy.
So get off his back, take some responsibly for your own unhappiness and take steps to lift yourself out of your solemn mood.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

tips marriage :Give him Time to Relax's

Give him Time to Relax's | Wedding Ideas And Tips

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tips marriage : Give him Time to Relax

When your husband comes home from work or even from a round of golf, it's tempting to bombard him with problems he needs to address or household jobs he needs to perform.
You've probably been on your own all day so it's only natural to want to take some of the weight off your shoulders and pass it over to him.
However, you must give him time to relax before you hit him with this, that and the other.He isn't going to respond well to be being put under stress as soon as he e walks through the door.
Give him 15-20 minutes to sit down and have a cup of tea before you let loose.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Don't Wait To Be Asked? in Wedding Ideas And Tips

Don't Wait To Be Asked? in Wedding Ideas And Tips

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Don't Wait To Be Asked? Wedding Ideas

Don't wait to be asked? I'm not a mind reader, I hear you say.
But when you've been with your husband for a long time, you soon develop a sixth sense and realize what he wants before he actually asks you.
Sometimes we all get annoyed at having to tell or ask our partner to do something again and again.
So if you can do it before he asks, it will prevent frustration setting in and therefore avoid an argument.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Get OutSide help On Marriage

Wedding Ideas | Get Out Side help On Marriage

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Get Out Side help On Marriage

Sometimes no matter how hard they try, a married couple cannot resolve their differences.
However, this doesn't mean it's time for them to go their separate ways.
They should first seek outside help from a therapist or marriage guidance counsellor.
There is still somewhat of a taboo in Great Britain about seeing a therapist but it is nothing to be ashamed of.
Indeed, they can often help solve your marriage problems in just a handful of visits.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wedding Invitations - A romantic getaway is so much more than just a nice holiday for the two of you.

Wedding Invitations - A romantic getaway is so much more than just a nice holiday for the two of you.

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Wedding Ideas - A romantic getaway is so much more than just a nice holiday for the two of you.

A romantic getaway is so much more than just a nice holiday for the two of you.
It can provide the essential repairs and maintenance that your marriage desperately needs.
Quality time together, away from your daily lives, can reestablish the bonds of love that brought you together in the first place.
It also helps keep the romance alive in your relationship, as well as providing the ideal opportunity to reinvigorate your sex life.

Friday, June 11, 2010

On Marriage Sex Isn't Everything

On Marriage Sex Isn't Everything | Wedding Invitations And Wedding Ideas

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On Marriage Sex Isn't Everything

Sex forms an important part of marriage and a lack of it can sometimes cause real problems.
However, sex isn't everything. Sex won't make your marriage last if other elements such as trust and communication are not present.
Most of us would love to have a great sex life all the time but usually it just doesn't happen.
So if you're not enjoying fantastic bedroom gymnastics, talk to your partner about it and try to find a solution. But don't act like the world has ended. Great relationships aren't built upon what happens between the sheets.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Few marriage tips are as crucial as remembering to listen.

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Few marriage tips are as crucial as remembering to listen.

Few marriage tips are as crucial as remembering to listen.
One of the greatest gifts you can give your partner is to listen attentively. Turn the television off, put the magazine down, and engage eye contact.
Marriage s about sharing your life with the one you love. You should be the person your husband talks to the most. So you must make a point of listening.
But listening doesn't just mean hearing what they're are saying. It involves understanding what your partner is saying and acting accordingly.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Be Nice in Front Of Other (show respect in public) in Wedding Ideas

Be Nice in Front Of Other (show respect in public) in Wedding Ideas

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Be Nice in Front Of Other (show respect in public)

Being disrespectful to your spouse is bad enough in private but in public it is unforgivable.
Too often, husbands and wives criticize or mock their other halves in the company of others.
There is also a big difference between laughing with your spouse and laughing at them.
Do you really want to belittle the person you love the most? Do you really want to make them to feel embarrassed and demoralized?
You should always present a united front when you're out in public. Remember, you're a team. So when he looks bad, so will you

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's Not Competition on Marriage

Wedding Ideas | It's Not Competition on Marriage

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It's Not Competition on Marriage

Some people find it difficult to keep their competitive nature out of their marriage.They feel an intense need to win every argument and take the lead in every situation.They must come out on top, regardless of the consequences.There are two points to remember here. Firstly, you and your spouse are a team, a partnership. Whatever happens to one of you will ultimately effect the other person too. Secondly, your husband is the most important person is your life. Do you really want to make them lose all the time? Is your desire to win more important than their feelings?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Wedding Invitations - Be Honest On Marriage

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Be Honest On Marriage

The importance of honesty in a marriage isn't just in relation to the big issues such as infidelity. You should try to be truthful with regard to all the day to day issues as well. Every time you tell a lie or hide the truth, the trust that holds your marriage together takes a knock. And once that trust has gone, your marriage is effectively over. Also, the more lies you tell, the easier it becomes. Before you know it, you can find yourself deceiving your husband on a regular basis.

Wedding Ideas And Wedding Tips - He's not a Punching Bag ( Don't Be unfair)

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Wedding Ideas And Wedding Tips He's not a Punching Bag ( Don't Be unfair)

Taking out all your frustrations on your husband is simply not fair. Although, he is your main source of support, he is not your own personal punching bag.
It's not his fault you had a bad day at work or you've put on weight over Christmas.
So be fair, and remember, every time you take things out on him, the further you push him away.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Choose Your Words on Marriage

Choose Your Words on Marriage | Wedding Invitations

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Choose Your Words on Marriage

The specific words you use can make an incredible difference in what you say and how it is received. It's all too easy in married life to add unnecessary negative words to what you're saying. And we're not just talking about effing and blinding.
Using word like 'never' and 'always' is also not helpful. For example saying to your husband, "you never do the dishes" is simply not effective.It will only put him on the defensive and lead to a further argument. Instead, be specific and say, "Could you please do the dishes for me tonight."

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Find Common Ground (shared activity) in Wedding Ideas

Find Common Ground (shared activity) in Wedding Ideas

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Find Common Ground (shared activity) in Wedding

Some couples are always under each other feet but others are hardly ever together.
Marriage is all about unity and togetherness.
If you barely spend any time with your husband, the ties that bind you together can soon come unraveled.
To keep the bonds of love in place, make an effort to find something (apart from sex) that you can do together.
It can be a new hobby such as tennis or something as simple as walking the dog together.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Laughter is the bet medicine In Marriage

Laughter is the bet medicine In Marriage | Wedding Invitations Graphics Design

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laughter is the bet medicine In Marriage

It may be a cliche but laughter really is the best medicine.Married life can quickly lose its sense of fun, and without fun, a happy marriage is harder to maintain.So try to share good laughs together. You can laugh at events in your daily life or watch a comedy on television or at the cinema.You will be surprised at how the laughter invigorates the rest of your day and freshens your relationship.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Don't Fight Fire with fire In Marriage

Don't Fight Fire with fire In Marriage | Wedding Invitations

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Don't Fight Fire with fire In Marriage

All married couples have arguments, although some more than others.They key is to try to keep the temperature down and deal with the disagreement calmly.If you're husband is angry about something, the worst possible thing you can do is meet him head on with your own anger.The result will simply be a huge argument which will usually be out of proportion to the issue you are disagreeing on.Listen to what he has to say, and then put across your point of view in a quiet, mature manner.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

No one Said it's Easy ( Marriage be hard)

No one Said it's Easy ( Marriage be hard) | Wedding Ideas

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No one Said it's Easy ( Marriage be hard)

A long, happy marriage doesn't just happen. You need to work at it.Don't expect an easy ride. You will have ups and downs.There will be times when you cannot stand to be in the same room as your partner.However, as long as you try to behave in a fair and rational manner, these low periods can be overcome very quickly.If you work together, remembering how much you love one another, you can find a solution to any problem.So put the hours in, make the effort - the result could be the happiness we are all searching for.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

No Regrets On Marriage - Wedding Ideas

No Regrets On Marriage - Wedding Ideas

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Take Time For your self in Marriage Tips

In married life, you may find you have precious little time for yourself.If you have children, you will have even less.Your day can be taken over by your kids and your husband, leaving very few minutes for yourself.However, you should really try to make time because not only do you need a quiet period to recharge your batteries, but you also need time to maintain your senses of independence and individuality.A happy marriage requires you, yourself to be happy. And since happiness comes from within, leading a stressful, selfless life is unlikely to provide it.