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Conflicts often occur before the wedding the couple happen. In addition to pounding the wedding forward, the couple
to be married must also stress prepared everything for the wedding later. Everything wants to run perfectly, so no conflicts occur rarely. To overcome such there are several solutions below.
1. Dream the perfect party
Wedding party to be perfect is the dream of all women. However, several prospective bride's reaction to this is sometimes exaggerated. They must arrange their own feel all the details of the party to run as planned.
Solutions: There's nothing perfect in this world. If you try to make it happen in a way that is controversial and full of emotion, you may run out of steam and could lose a good relationship with several parties

2. Must please others
Cultural factors also make the bride and groom feel the need to please everyone with a wedding that will be made, including the her, parents, and the invitation. Although the marriage should be valuable as you and your partner, usually a lot to offer advice.
Solution: For this problem, you do have a little patience. Marriage is not only a special moment for you and your partner, but also for the people around you (read: big family). Although you want to party a success as you want, contact with relatives and close family still needs to be maintained. Accept the advice made sense.
3. Diet
Looks perfect on the wedding day is a dream woman. That's why, they tried to reach your ideal weight. What makes the prospective groom was upset they get receive the effects of being forced to diet.
Solution: It's okay to be perfect, but should not by force. If you want to make him lose weight, he invited the sport together. Let's just say this to keep your stamina before the wedding day and prepare the first night.
4. Funds
Wedding reception costs is more expensive. Although the budget has been set, is often missed. Especially if you're tempted to add the items to complete the party. Finally, lack of funds and your stress.
Solution: It is not wrong if you wish to make lavish party. However, do not forget the availability of funds. Many people, probably including you, was forced to borrow money to parents or even the bank to increase the amount of funds. Be careful an increasing amount of debt can become problems later on.