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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

One Tips for Saving Your Marriage

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If you find your marriage is in trouble for one reason or another, you need to know that you have some great options for saving the relationship. The type of resources and tools used will depend on the reason for the trouble. For instance, if your spouse had an affair the counseling received would likely be geared very different from if you were simply having a lull in communication. Therefore, one of the first things that must be done is to identify the problem so you can get the right type of help.

When the amount of money going out is greater than the amount of money coming in, stress takes hold, which has a devastating affect on a marriage. Soon, couples begin to argue, disagreeing on where the money should be spent. Making the problem even worse is all the offers by mortgage companies, credit card companies, school loans, and other financial institutions, making borrowing easier than ever before. However, the problem reaches a level of being out of control, which is when the fighting begins.

If you and your spouse are on the verge of divorce because of finances, you need to both stop and realize that with good financial advice, financial management tools, and counseling, the marriage can be saved. In fact, working with a credit counseling company may be the ideal solution. With this, the counselors would act as the go-between for you and your creditors, setting up a repayment plan that will get you out of debt and on a schedule ahead of what you could do on your own.

Typically, saving a marriage doomed by finances is very possible but it takes two committed people, working as a team, making it all come together. Just remember, we strongly recommend you use some type of mediator. The reason is that the last thing you want is the blame-game to start between the two of you. You have to put your differences aside, stop blaming each other, and put a good plan in place to get out of debt and back on the right track. If you have gotten yourselves in the problem in the first place, chances are the two of you alone cannot get out of it. Therefore, you need to work with a financial advisor or financial counseling company that can assist.

Remember, you have two teams - the debt, and you and your spouse. At this time, the two of you need to join forces, come up with a plan, and work together. The process will require good communication, good planning, and again, dedication to seeing the plan through to the end. The good news is that because financial problems in marriages are such a huge problem, you have vast resources at your disposal.

Most importantly, the two of you have to open up the lines of communication. In most cases, the finances spiraled out of control because the two of you were not communicating. Therefore, your first step is to start talking. This means actually scheduling time where the two of you can sit down, face-to-face to talk about income versus debt. We recommend you find a quiet place without disruptions so you can focus. Then, put your emotional ties aside. Chances are, you will both feel guilty or even angry but remember, in fixing the problem these emotions have to be put in check.

Okay, you have a financial situation that needs to be fixed. Agree to meet this problem head on, doing whatever you have to do to get it under control. For a short time, it might mean one or both of you need to take a second job or perhaps you need to cut back on some of the luxuries you have become accustomed to but just keep reminding yourself this is just temporary. For instance, instead of cable television, you might need to watch basic programming for a while, or, instead of buying steaks, you grill hamburgers.

As you work on the financial issues, you will find that not only do you bring that part of your marriage under control but also that the marriage as a whole becomes stronger and better. Once you have your plan in place and you begin to see the changes associated with your finances, you will find the arguing lessens and the love grows.
Again, there are many reasons couples get into trouble in a marriage. Coming in second to infidelity is financial issues, which is a huge factor associated with divorce. In most homes, you have two people working full-time jobs to afford the house, the cars, the vacations, the kids, the bills, and so on. The truth is that most couples are overextended financially, meaning they are living on borrowed money, most commonly credit cards.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

wedding invitations Tips 8 " Love & relationship for marriage"

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marriage tips, luxury wedding cards
marriage tips, luxury wedding cards
marriage tips, luxury wedding cards
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wedding invitations Tips 8 " Love & relationship for marriage"

Surprises CAN BE FUN

Surprise your mate with a special evening once in a while. Arrange with a friend to take the kids for a sleep over but do make sure you reciprocate the favour at a later time. Make sure the house is super clean if you're planning a love nest time at home and have his favorite meal prepared. Set a romantic tone with candles, his favorite scent, wine and music. Remember this is his special night. Then let him sometime reciprocate by taking you out to your favorite restaurant. It's special, little surprises and treats like this, that a spark and keep the marriage romance
alive. But remember, it does not have to be expensive, it's for the love and mutual respect that spark the marriage commitment into a life of fulfilment.

If you follow these simple tips marriage more than likely you will keep your marriage well tuned until 'death does you part'. May the blessings of love be truly with you.

Weeding InvitationsTips7 " Love & relationship for marriage"

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love card wedding, luxury love wedding invitationsWeeding InvitationsTips7 " Love & relationship for marriage"

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Let your mate know if you are planning to bring friends home and not just walk in with them. The same thing for your children. Tell them to plan ahead and perhaps set one night a week preferably not the same night the bridge or drinking party is taking place so they can start organizing their lives as well.

When your mate is sick, try to be considerate. That means keeping the house quiet and helping with the clean meals and clean-up. Remember, when someone is sick, they are at their weakest moment and need positive energy to get well.

Take turns deciding what the entertainment will be like the movie or TV program.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tips 6 " Love & relationship for marriage" in wedding invitations

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luxury wedding card. wedding invitations card

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Tips 6 " Love & relationship for marriage" in wedding invitations


If something happens, tell your mate outright and then try to work through the problem. There is nothing worse than hearing it second hand from a friend rather than from your mate directly.

Take time for each other and the family, instead of attending too many committee meetings out of the house.

If you like to drink, why not drink at home instead of down at the bar. It’s cheaper and your mate will be happier knowing where you are. Perhaps bring your buddies home once in a while. Again both mates should check with the other to be sure there aren’t other plans for that night.

weddind invitationsTips 5" Love & relationship for marriage"

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wedding invitations card, luxury wedding card

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If you have discussed a problem with one of the children and come to a decision then stick to it and don’t undermine your mate making him/her to look like a monster. The child needs to know that if one parent says no then the other one agrees. Children become confused and start playing one parent against the other. This will eventually cause a rift between the parents and can lead to an unhappy household. No parent enjoys hearing a child say well daddy/mommy said I could after you have just told the child no.

Friday, August 21, 2009

"Sweet Wedding Invitations" : Tips 4 " Love & relationship for marriage"

marriage tips. luxury wedding invitations card

marriage tips. luxury wedding invitations card"Sweet Wedding Invitations" : Tips 4 " Love & relationship for marriage"
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No one wants a yes man or woman. Both men and women are different and therefore should retain their own likes and dislikes. Just because the husband likes football, doesn’t mean that the wife has to enjoy it and the reverse is true for the wife and her enjoyments which the husband can’t stand, like perhaps sewing. But, show respect for your mate’s interests and the time set for your mate to spend with friends.

Always respect each other’s belief systems. No two people think the exact same way.

Wedding InvitationsTips 3 " Love & relationship for marriage"

wedding cad, marriage tips

wedding cad, marriage tipsWedding Invitations Tips 3 " Love & relationship for marriage"
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Draw up a contract just like a business arrangement where you list all the jobs that have to be done and when they have to be completed. That way everything gets done on a routine basis. This leaves no room for arguments about who should do what. Set aside one hour a night when you both work at your routines set for that day. You work together, you finish together and then you have time for each other. It’s amazing what can be accomplished within one hour especially if you are both working at it and not feeling slighted because you’re the only one, doing all the work while your partner just sits and watches TV.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wedding Tips 2 " Love & relationship for marriage"

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Wedding Tips 2 " Love & relationship for marriage"


Set up a budget and then try to stay within your budget. Put so much aside into a savings account, each month, even if it seems a measly amount. This gets you into the habit of saving and watching areas where you could economize even more.

Plan ahead for those necessary expenditures and emergencies. Review your strategy month by month along with your long term goals.

Figure out ways of economizing on the small details, because those pennies really do add up.

Tips1" Love & relationship for marriage"

tips marriage, luxury wedding card

tips marriage, luxury wedding cardTips1" Love & relationship for marriage"


Private matters like your sexual relationships, finances and anything else you deem private should be kept between you and your mate, only.

Whatever happens within the marriage should stay there and not be blabbed about at the workplace or bar. If your mate couldn’t climax the night before don’t make fun about it in public. That should remain between the two of you only.

Problems often arise if the wife earns more than the husband. He doesn’t want people to think the wife is keeping him or that he married her for her money, so it’s best to keep financial matters as private as possible.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In Wedding " Why is a Healthy Marriage Important"?

luxury wedding card. marriage card
luxury wedding card. marriage card

In Wedding " Why is a Healthy Marriage Important"?

Because everyone benefits when a couple forms and sustains a healthy marriage. Children experience better physical and emotional health, educational success, higher standard of living and are less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol, become victims of a violent crime or contract STD’s. Women and men also receive these same benefits.

Friday, August 14, 2009

From the Wedding, Why the Third Finger, Left-hand?

Luxury wedding card, wedding invitations card
luxury wedding card, wedding card

Why the Third Finger, Left-hand?
In ancient times, it was believed there was a vein in the third finger of the left hand that ran directly to the heart. Thus, the ring being placed on that finger, denoted the strong connection of a heartfelt love and commitment to one another. Although during times of modern autopsy, this long held belief was found not to be so, the tradition continued to this day.
Medieval bridegrooms place the ring on three of the bride's fingers, in turn, to symbolize, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The ring then remained on the third finger and has become the customary ring finger for English-speaking cultures. In some European countries, the ring is worn on the left hand before marriage, and is moved to the right hand during the ceremony. However, in most European countries the ring is still worn on the brides left hand. A Greek Orthodox bride wears her ring on her left had before marriage, and moves it to her right hand after the ceremony.

Why Old Shoes and Rice? "Wedding Invitations"

wedding invitations card, luxury wedding cards

Why Old Shoes and Rice?
The throwing of rice on the couple has always been symbolic of wishing prosperity and good luck. In the Orient, throwing rice means, "May you always have a full pantry." Wheat and other grains are sometimes thrown in addition to rice, thereby also wishing prosperity and lack of want. Each shower bestows "Goodwill Traditions" of wealth upon the newlyweds. To this day, rice remains a token of a life of "plenty."

"Wedding Invitations" Giving the Bride Away?

wedding cards, luxury wedding invitations cards
Giving the Bride Away?
In times when women were granted few privileges and even fewer personal rights, the bride was literally given away to the groom by the father, usually in exchange for monetary gain. Today, it is seen as symbolic of the blessings and support of her union as a promise of continued trust and affection. Often when the question is asked by a clergy during the ceremony, "Who gives this woman to be married to this man," the father's response is, "Her mother and I."

Why an Engagement Ring?
In the early days of "Marriage by Purchase," the betrothal ring served a twofold purpose. This twofold purpose included partial payment for the bride and was a symbol of the groom's honorable intentions. The diamond was found first in Medieval Italy, and because of its hardness, was chosen to stand for enduring love.

Wedding Marriage:Why a Trousseau?

wedding card, wedding invitations
Why a Trousseau?
The word trousseau came from the French word, trousseau, which meant bundle. The trousseau originated as a bundle of clothing and personal possessions the bride carried with her to her new home. This was later expanded upon into a generous dowry. Today, the trousseau includes all of the new items for the household, as well as for the bride herself.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Choosing decorating Marriage Marriage Day For You

wedding invitations

Choosing decorating Marriage Marriage Day For You 

1. First determine a theme wedding decoration / ornament bride (Traditional, Ethnic, or International) and the feel of the preferred color before your wedding decor services meet. You also need to inform the reception colors wedding decor clothes you can wear a color that matches the color of your shirt 
2. About Elections interest you often need to consult with the wedding reception decorations. Usually, interest is not selected to determine the size of the budget spent for the wedding decorations. 
3. Survey where necessary to adjust the atmosphere of the building and decoration decoration reception wedding reception or party with the type of wedding you choose. 
4. Ask Layout Layout placing flowers wedding reception decorations and the selected image to play the wedding decoration services. So, if you can find out the wedding reception party decoration services to the reduction of interest-reduction put the agreed 
5. Do not forget to remind gained acceptance for the match is made with decoration decoration decoration wedding food catering, party decorations so that all can look elegant and in tune.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

wedding Invitations: Why Wedding Cakes?

wedding cake.wedding invitations
Why a Wedding Cake?
Beginning in early Roman times, the cake has been a special part of the wedding celebration. A thin loaf was broken over the bride's head at the close of the ceremony to symbolize fertility. The wheat from which it was made, symbolized fertility and the guests eagerly picked up the crumbs as good luck charms. During the Middle Ages, it became traditional for the couple to kiss over a small cluster of cakes. Later, a clever baker decided to amass all these small cakes together, covering them with frosting. Thus, the modern tiered cake was born.

The Groom's Cake
The groom's cake is a smaller cake that is served at the wedding reception.
Young women (unmarried) would take a piece of the groom's cake home to place under their pillows and the old wife?s tale says "they will marry whomever they dream of that night."

The Tradition of the Bridal Shower?
Tradition says that the first bridal shower was given to a poor couple in Holland who was denied the bridal dowry because of the groom's lowly miller status. The miller's friends showered the bride with gifts to help them set up housekeeping.

Why Carry the Bride Across the Threshold?
During the days of "Marriage by Capture," the bride was certainly not going to go peacefully into the bridegroom's abode; thus, she was dragged or carried across the threshold. In even earlier times, it was believed that family demons followed the woman and to keep her family demons from going into the groom's home, she was carried across the threshold upon her entering for the first time. After that, the demons could not enter, as she would come in and go out of the home.

Wedding: Why a Matchmaker?

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wedding invitations

Why a Matchmaker?
For centuries, the matchmaker enjoyed the honored, if occasionally ridiculed, position of ensuring ethnic identity and compatibility. Groups that wanted this assurance regularly employed the services of a matchmaker, whose commission was a certain percentage of the dowries. Today, the modern version of the matchmaker is found as easily as turning on your computer. Computer programs can allegedly match individual backgrounds and traits so accurately that two people brought together for a date can be assured of "common interests" at the very least. In any event, it is only the dating that can be arranged, not marriage. So matchmaking of a sort has not disappeared; it has merely changed its appearance and emphasis, as is the case with any custom that expresses enduring human needs.

Blue Wedding Invitations: Why this "Something Blue?"

wedding invitations
Why this "Something Blue?"
In ancient Israel, brides wore a blue ribbon to signify "fidelity." The garter-throwing itself derives from a bawdy ritual called "flinging the stocking." In Britain, the guests would playfully invade the bridal chamber. The ushers grabbed the bride's stockings; the maids; the grooms. They took turns sitting at the foot of the bed flinging the stockings over the heads of the couple. Whoever stocking landed on the bride's or the groom's nose would be the next to wed.
Today, many brides will wear two garters. The one she wishes to keep as a memento of her wedding day, possibly to be displayed on her grooms rear view mirror, and another, to be retrieved and tossed by the groom to all the young unmarried men attending the event. The "toss garter" is likely to be in the color of the wedding, and not as elaborate as the more decorative garters kept by the bride.

Clasic Wedding Invitation: Why Do the Attendants Dress Alike?

wedding invitations

Why Do the Attendants Dress Alike?
Who hasn't noticed that the maids, ushers, and entire bridal party dress very much like the bride and groom? It was once common for the bride, her groom and all their friends to walk together to the church on the morning of the wedding. Afraid that someone, maybe a rejected suitor, would spot the happy couple and put a curse on them. The groom's friends wore clothes almost identical to his, and the women costumed themselves like the bride. These disguises tricked evil wishers into letting the real bride and groom live happily ever after. Of course, today we dress our attendants alike for the beauty and pageantry of the event.
Why the Blue Satin Garter?

Wedding: Why the Honeymoon?

wedding invitations

Why the Honeymoon?
In ancient times, many of the first marriages were by capture, not choice. When early man felt it was time to take a bride, he would often carry off an unwilling woman to a secret place where her relatives wouldn't find them. While the moon went through all its phases, (about 30 days) they hid from the searchers and drank a brew made from honey. Hence, we get the word, honeymoon.
Luxury Wedding Invitations Card

luxury Wedding Card : Why Does the Bride Wear White??

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wedding invitations

Why Does the Bride Wear White??
The color white has been a symbol of joyous celebration since early Roman times. At the beginning to the twentieth century, white stood for purity as well. Today, it holds it original meaning of happiness and joy.
wedding Invitations

Luxury Wedding Card: Why Something Blue?

wedding invitation card

wedding invitation card

Why Something Blue?
Brides of ancient Israel wore blue ribbons on the border of their wedding cloths to denote, love, modesty and fidelity. These are ideals still associated today with that color. Blue also denotes the purity of the Virgin Mary and is the most popular of all colors.

Wedding Invitation Card: Why a Bride's Handkerchief?

luxury wedding card

luxury wedding card

Why a Bride's Handkerchief?
Early farmers thought a bride's wedding day tears were lucky and brought rains for their crops. Later, a crying bride meant that she'd never shed another tear about her marriage. Today, we carry a handkerchief to dab away the tears of happiness and joy. How special to keep your wedding hunky and pass it down from mother to daughter capturing all the love and emotion of such a special event from one generation to another.

Wedding Invitations: Why Does the Bride Carry Flowers?

wedding invitations

Why Does the Bride Carry Flowers?
For centuries, flowers have stood for a variety of emotions and values. Roses for love, lilies for virtue and so on. In ancient marriages, the brides carried herbs beneath their veils to symbolize fidelity. Greek brides carried ivy as a symbol of never-ending love. Orange blossoms, (the world renowned wedding flower) were chosen by the Spaniards to represent happiness and fulfillment, because the orange tree flowers and bears fruit at the same time. During even earlier times of "primitive marriage," when the fear of demons was most prevalent, the brides carried stinking garlands of herbs and spices for the purpose of frightening off evil spirits.
Today, brides carry flowers in the color scheme of their wedding, bringing beauty and elegance as well as old world customs to their special day. Have you considered spelling out the name of your groom in the flowers of your bouquets?

Wedding: Why Does the Bride Wear a Veil?

wedding invitations

Why Does the Bride Wear a Veil?
The bride's veil and bouquet are of greater antiquity than her white gown. Her veil, which was yellow in ancient Greece and red in ancient Rome, usually shrouded her from head to foot, and has since the earliest of times, denoted the subordination of a woman to man. The thicker the veil, the more traditional the implication of wearing it.
According to tradition, it is considered bad luck for the bride to be seen by the groom before the ceremony. As a matter of fact, in the old days of marriage by purchase, the couple rarely saw each other at all, with courtship being of more recent historical emergence.
The lifting of the veil at the end of the ceremony symbolizes male dominance. If the bride takes the initiative in lifting it, thereby presenting herself to him, she is showing more independence.
Veils came into vogue in the United States when Nelly Curtis wore a veil at her wedding to George Washington's aid, Major Lawrence Lewis. Major Lewis saw his bride to be standing behind a filmy curtain and commented to her how beautiful she appeared. She then decided to veil herself for their ceremony.

when you're ready to get married?

wedding invitations

How long have you girls? Year, two years old, 5 years or more than 5 years? Until the second is whether you are ready to get married? Or at least have a dream in my mind towards you to get there. If you do not also think to get married at this time, and when you will be ready? It seems that this question be the most difficult, especially if the law to ask candidates. How dare I say it will likely ready, but are not financial. Where there are parents who want their children suffering from life by giving her son permission to marry the same person who is not ready financially.

Next ... if you do not also right when you are married girls in the moment. Then what reason? Everything would happen for a reason ..? yup all the things that happen in this world there are certain reasons or because. Whether because of financial reasons ..? if the reason you people are weird, why can? because you girls have for many years but does not perform marriages for financial reasons ... hold court for what you do? means did not have the desire for merit. at least if there is a little seriousness married will certainly fight for the capital to get married. Ah .. but it never seems like it's common for some people.

you still make the court and not yet married ... like when married, are not yet ready?

Friday, August 7, 2009

Preparation before shooting pre-wedding

wedding invitations

Preparation before shooting pre-wedding 

Pre-wedding image is one of the things that have become trends or activities should be done before your wedding takes place. Many of the candidates who want to immortalize moments that are important forms of photo or video. Romantic story and the beauty of nature combined with the name that we know as pre-wedding outdoor shooting. Candidates more than pre-wedding indoor outdoor shooting, because, many variations in the location that makes the photo more interesting and romantic. This article is written, because some client initially we often ask what should be prepared. 

I try to give tips, tricks that can be done before the shooting took place pre-wedding: 

1 week before, do technical meeting with the photographer concerned to discuss the concept of shooting. Shooting accessories, such as balloons, flowers, etc., is usually provided by the photographer, it's good to confirm the first. If you choose a location from the beach in the flower garden and the like, making a shooting pre-wedding 3 days before arrival reception, to avoid skin irritation (burning Sunday) Confirm that the vehicle is used on location. Ask permission for location shooting, and whether the location of a permit are included in the cost of the package, or there must be additional cost. Bring bread for a snack or a trip to the location. On the day when the shooting took place, making it as a photographer friend, atmosphere will make you feel comfortable. Often smile when shooting took place, does not look sad or angry. Discuss the clothing will be taken, usually 2 formal, casual and 1. If the selection location distance more than 4 -5 hours, must be done in 2 months working Taken. Taken day morning and afternoon conducted by using infra-red camera (infra red) 
Well, I hope above tips can be useful to apply before you do pre-wedding shooting.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Select the wedding and reception

weding invitations

Some Tips For Preparing for Marriage

Wedding day is the most impressive in our lives. Not only day we will be the day the king and queen, but also is the first step in a long journey across the happiness with which we love. Of course, the bride tried seriously to prepare everything for smooth on the wedding day, such as marriage certificate, etc..

Preparing for marriage is very busy. Not uncommon that many couples experience difficulty and confusion in preparing for Marriage. Wedding day much thought before, so that H on the day everything went smoothly. Wedding plans with a maximum draft. Couples who work are often difficult to prepare for the Marriage.

Here are some tips to prepare for the wedding reception.

Choosing a wedding date

This is one of the concept of marriage. Determine when you will make your wedding reception. It is a good idea if you select two dates as a suitable option. It is important so that if there are backup date on the wedding date you want is not possible to throw a party, you still have a backup on other days.

Start to create a budget wedding

Creating a budget is important in preparing for marriage. Everything must be calculated, such as baby food, marriage certificate, buildings, etc.. This will help you not to throw a party in the marriage out of reach both of your ability. All the luxury of a wedding will not cost you a little and make financial planning can help you at least avoid spending increases. Provide a note to record a special budget for each of your wedding needs. From wedding dress, a jacket, the place, catering, and so forth. This needs to be done so you can monitor the cost of wedding that you will spend for all your wedding needs. You can even take advantage of the service package that provides wedding / wedding planners. Decision remains in your hands.

List of all the guests you invite akan

Write the first list-list guests who you will invite to the wedding reception. first priority to invite family, friends and partners. The invitation of marriage to relatives or people who are older. The form of invitation does not need exotic at this time because of the tendency of simple, beautiful and easy to read. At least, the invitation to be the recipient of about two weeks before the wedding day was conducted. To relatives outside the city, try to tell you must invitations four weeks before, because the delivery will take longer. Of course, adjust to the food wedding guests were invited.

Select the wedding and reception

To select the ideal wedding location should be at least a year before. Just after that you start to choose the needs of the wedding, such as photography, cake, photo coverage, catering, invitation cards, decorations, wedding souvenirs with the car. After that you think indoor or outdoor wedding. This must be offset by the number of guests you invite will be later, and the wedding decorations that you want to show the party is. In selecting the place you need to consider about the location of the location. Do not make it so far up front to front. If you use the wedding service, please do not submit all of the original wedding day planner. We also need to have the idea.

In preparing for marriage, the most important is cooperation and communication with your partner. Plan so that all the wedding planning can be organized well.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Seven tips unique in your wedding

wedding invitations

Unique Marriage Tips

Search for ideas (decorating ideas / wedding decoration) that is unique to wedding (beautiful wedding) you? The first step to create a unique wedding that you can start with a list of what you and your partner like and dislike. Somehow the music, style, color, artist or favorite hobby. From this list you can move the theme to decide what is most appropriate for you. Theme wedding you do not need that is too complicated, you may be inspired by the soft pink color and from there you can adjust all the needs of your wedding with these colors.

Here are some unique ideas (decoration idea) that can be tested for your wedding:

1. Music atmosphere. In every corner of the room playing a different song in accordance with the food provided. Usually they will provide food rookery located on the corner of the room the wedding other than food. You can play different songs in every corner of the room according to the origin of food is, for example; wickiup sate and soto can play drum track, and kebab and BBQ shack off the track that can be western style.
2. Themes Apparel / dresses for wedding. You can write down the theme of clothing (shirt party / fashion show party) that you want to fool your guests while attending a wedding or you are married. For example, your theme is traditional and customary marriage you expect all the guests who came wearing traditional dress / wedding dresses. (you can use this idea if your guests are friends and relatives close to you)
3. gift idea: guest book with photo / picture decoration. You can provide a Polaroid camera in every desk receptionist and tell guests to each recipient each guest take a photo and paste your signature on the guest book that is the content of their gift as a souvenir.
4. White never wrong. White wedding theme for you tend to be more suitable. Try something different for your wedding using white for the wedding but you do not combined with other colors so use all the white color gradation. For example, use the color gradation for the white party decor, cakes, cars, carpets, and the final touch all the servants and the committee involved in the wedding wearing your white coat.
5. Espresso bar. Add espresso bar decorated in your wedding (decoration for wedding). Guests in this bar you can enjoy all kinds of coffee such as coffee lattes and cappuccinos.
6. DJ brisk elegant wedding for a wedding you. Hire a DJ for your wedding is an interesting idea that intervention so romantic atmosphere with your DJ in the middle of the event will attract your guests.
7. Provide a special performance for children. Usually children are not resistant to is in the wedding party (a marriage) more than half an hour, and not infrequently the parents so lazy to bring their children. Rent boy balloon, clown, juggler to attract the children so that they do not detract from the wedding (creative wedding invitations) you.

Wedding Photo

wedding invitations
Do not Choose To Random Photos Polls
Monumentalize time of happiness (a wedding) on the day of marriage (a marriage) surely not be part of a series of separate events in your special day (a married). Every moment of meaning enshrined in the form of a video / photo and video shooting or bridal photography. Whether shooting video or photography is up to you. If you decide to use photography as one of the media, or immortalize kebahagian beautiful wedding, here are tips that hopefully can be an additional knowledge about the wedding photo / digital wedding photography for you.

1. Package is not expensive with a price guarantee that you will get good quality. Quality of photography is not only associated with costs that should be issued. If you choose wisely, gratitude-gratitude that you also know at least a few basic things about photography (photo prewedding) You will find more charming studio or photographer that does not make a wedding budget / cost of your wedding outside the boundary. 

2. A cheap package. 

You do not directly choose the product pre wedding photos (wedding photo services) with very low prices and below average regardless of quality. It is true that the costs do not necessarily offer the best quality, but do not be home directly select for the most affordable wedding photography. Note the correct quality if the price offered was below average. 

3. Photo Studio. 

If you choose to berfoto in the photo studio that has more than one photographer, make sure you know the true results of his work. You can select and weddings photographers determine where you want to work together for a digital wedding photography. Days before the shooting came, sempatkan first met with the photographer. Photo studioAnda addition will be part of the documentation will also be works of art, chemistry, and therefore understanding between you, the partner, and the wedding photographers have built first before the shooting is done. This is also useful to know the appropriate style for you and your partner. 

4. Black & White. 

If the images of black and white into your selection, the following tips you need to see. Make sure that the photographer will deal directly with your photos (both pre and wedding photos wedding). Almost impossible to get the black and white photo print quality of the photographer unless it themselves. With digital technology that is now applied to many in the world of photography, make sure that you also agree to a range of colors on your images. Details on the area's most ditonjolkan want, and the shadow in the background is very important to consider the detail before you agree to print the image. 

5. Lighting. 

Umbrellas and boxes that are used in studio lighting to create a more gentle. For that you should scrutinize your appearance right before photogenic. Note whether the gradation of white wedding dress you will look sharp enough later on, for this is that you must do is bercermin glass on three dimensions, not only on the flat mirror you normally do. 

6. Negative images. 

May decline the invitation Sehalus photographers who offer a negative image as a bonus only. If you want to enlarge the size of the image format of a medium size canvas paintings, for example, also make sure you print a negative image in a professional studio. Keep patience, of course, and also cost more, but it is quite valuable, how to remember your happy day.