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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fear of women in marriage?

marriage cards, wedding cardsLuxury Wedding Invitations

One of the biggest dating nightmare for a woman spent several years with someone who does not intend to marry. Of course, sometimes when you're dating a man who you know will not marry you, seem tempted to stay with the hope that he will change his mind. Good luck with that, that game of chance.

Not Like "F" Word

Clearly a man who was reluctant to discuss the marriage would not be too interested in marriage. Resist the temptation that he would "Come Around". You can lose the chance again with another man. If he can not even talk about the marriage knot without underwear, it's time to cut the rope this relationship.


Men who are divorced may sometimes seem like a prime candidate for a potential husband. After all, it means that they have "taken plunge" before. If they've done it once, they'll probably do it again, right? Well, do not always. Many divorced men are tired of the idea of their marriage break-ups turbulent, they are not able to do it again. In addition, things such as family allowances and benefits will continue to serve as "the same thing as a bad marriage." Be careful with people who divorce. They may have been written for the institution of marriage altogether.

Greater sexual drive

The people who put a strong emphasis on sexuality is not what you would call the problem of preferential marriage. Often, strong sexual needs that can not be extinguished by a single person, no matter what you think. Finally, he would get bored with the same person and wants to try something new. Men who have sex drives that seemingly endless types of people may not be willing to consider marriage.

Living situation unstable

This kind of take care of them because people are living with the condition that is not stable and job security is not the type of person he wants to get married too. But this should not go without saying that a man whose life seemed in the air significantly might want to pursue something important like a wedding. Looking for people with a more stable life. They are able to consider marriage.
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Elegant Wedding Card's

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Elegant Wedding Invitations

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Choosing a partner in marriage

wedding invitations, wedding tipsRata TengahLove Wedding Invitations

A part that is hard to find a husband is what it takes Dimitri. Many women have lost a lot of time going out with someone who, unbeknownst to them, not interested in marrying. Obviously this place is very boring. To avoid this, it is important to be able to see an indication that the man is the subject of marriage. This will save considerable time and effort in the world of dating.

Are young

This is great. Anyone who wants children very marriage minded. The only tricky part with, if he wants children. You do not just want to come directly and ask for a first date, which probably scared him. I hope it will reveal this information without too much effort on your part. Watch a movie with kids in it, around a garden where there are children ... tries to measure the meaning of it all. If he insists he does not want children is a red flag warning. It marry able May

Likes Fantasy Football

This seems strange, but people who are super obsessive about fantasy football, they are usually the kind of people who are interested in getting married if they do not know. Now the differences, there is important business here. If he is also obsessive about fantasy football, but for the money, it means nothing in May However, people who play fantasy football in the "free" in its engagement with their friends almost certain kind of person who should be planted in marriage.

Traditional Birth

The man who was raised by both parents are married are more often interested in the marriage itself. They have seen directly the couple was married for more than their lives. For them, marriage is completely normal and natural. It's "just what you do." The man who was raised by single parents are more likely to prohibit the marriage or have a strange idea
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Elegant Wedding Invitations

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Elegant Wedding Invitations

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Elegant Marriage Card

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Elegant Marriage Card

These luxury silk wedding invitations are placed in our elegant Silk folios and are embellished with our crystal closure for a little sparkle. These custom wedding invitations are mailed in our white boxed mailers for a beautiful intro to an elegant affair.

Tips For Happy Marriage "9"

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Tips For Happy Marriage "9"

Send flowers every Valentine’s Day and anniversary ~ or just for the sake of it; flowers can say a lot on your behalf.

Admit when wrong ~ don’t be too arrogant to say it.

Be sensitive to each other’s sexual desires ~ more importantly; understand these desires and keep the communication going.

Pray for each other daily ~ and do it from the heart.

Watch sunsets together ~ just share such moments together; it does not have to be sunset; it can be anything else.

Say “I love you” frequently ~ don’t assume that they know you love them; everyone likes to hear it, so say it!

End the day with a hug ~ show closeness and again; intimacy.

Seek outside help when needed ~ if you reach a point when you feel that you cannot solve the problem alone; seek the help of someone you both trust before giving up, or go for professional help as a last resort. Never feel ashamed of that; seeking help is a lot better than giving up and doing your very best to solve your issues. You owe it to yourself and to them to do that.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tips Happy Marriage 8

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Tips Happy Marriage 8

Be kind ~ and nice.

Be vulnerable ~ let those guards down and show your true colors.

Respond quickly to the other person’s request ~ show them that you are doing this because you care for them the most.

Talk about your love ~ again; communicate. Always tell them as well as show them how much you love them and how happy you are because of having them in your lives.

Treat each others’ friends and relatives with courtesy ~ even if you don’t like their family and/or friends, you treat them with respect and courtesy for the sake of your spouse; they deserve that much

Tips Happy Marriage 7 - Wedding Invitations

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Tips Happy Marriage 7 - Wedding Invitations

Apologize ~ and don’t be too stubborn to admit that you made a mistake, because apologizing can clear things between you and allows you to move on from the conflict in a healthy manner.

Forgive ~ from the heart and not only in words; forgive them and mean it.
Set up a romantic getaway ~ this sounds like fun every once in a while; no harm in that!

Ask, “What can I do to make you happier?” ~ in other words; communicate and keep it going, because one’s needs might change along the way, and what they used to like a couple of years ago might not be appealing to them now; so make sure you ask them what does make them happy and do it.

Be positive ~ even when it is a negative era of your lives; always try to show the full half of the cup.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Luxury Wedding Invitations - Tips For Happy Marriage 5

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Luxury Wedding Invitations - Tips For Happy Marriage 5

Fix the other person’s breakfast ~ it doesn’t have to be breakfast in bed though!

Call during the day ~ but don’t over do it and be obsessed with calling him/her. Give them their space but also show them that you think of them by a 2-minutes phone call saying “how are you doing?”

Slow down ~ and don’t jump to conclusions; always give the benefit of the doubt and wait to hear them out.

Cuddle ~ yes; intimacy is very important and reflects love and deep feelings.

Ask for each others’ opinion ~ absolutely; whose opinion would you seek if not your spouse’s? Your decisions will reflect both your lives and not only your own, so their opinion is important for you to make the right move.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Surprises "CAN BE FUN" for Marriage

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Surprises CAN BE FUN

Surprise your mate with a special evening once in a while. Arrange with a friend to take the kids for a sleep over but do make sure you reciprocate the favour at a later time. Make sure the house is super clean if you're planning a love nest time at home and have his favorite meal prepared. Set a romantic tone with candles, his favorite scent, wine and music. Remember this is his special night. Then let him sometime reciprocate by taking you out to your favorite restaurant. It's special, little surprises and treats like this, that a spark and keep the marriage romance
alive. But remember, it does not have to be expensive, it's for the love and mutual respect that spark the marriage commitment into a life of fulfilment.

If you follow these simple tips marriage more than likely you will keep your marriage well tuned until 'death does you part'. May the blessings of love be truly with you.

Elegant Wedding Invitations - Tips Happy Marriage 6

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Elegant Wedding Invitations - Tips Happy Marriage 6

Show respect ~ all the time; whether you are alone or among others. Showing respect is more important than showing love.

Welcome the other person home ~ show enthusiasm when they come home and greet them; this means that you are happy because they are home now and that you were waiting for them!

Look your best ~ I understand that this is not easy to implement since we face different situations all day long, however; it does count that you make the effort to look your best every once in a while just for their sake and not only because you are going out or expecting guests, get the point?

Wink at each other ~ another cliché? Probably, but it can be any other gesture like smiling their way across the room or dining table, or holding their hand for a minute, just anything that appeals to both of you.

Celebrate birthdays in a big way ~ this does not mean a big party; just show them you care about their personal occasions.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Luxury Wedding Invitations - Tips For Happy Marriage 4

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wedding card, marriage tips

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Luxury Wedding Invitations - Tips For Happy Marriage 4

Listen ~ this could be the most important one ever, but note that you should listen with empathy and not just hear what they are saying; you should get involved.

Encourage ~ positive support and being there for one another is also very important; seek their support and give them yours and be generous!

Do it his or her way ~ sometimes; you need to do things their way just to show how much you love them and respect their feelings.

Know his or her needs ~ what good is a spouse if he/she does not know the needs of their significant others? This should be your primary concern!
Compliment twice a day ~ everyone likes to hear something nice as a compliment; so give them that when it is due. It should not be literally twice but don’t be extreme by not giving at all or giving too much; just say something nice when you can.

Wedding Invitations - Tips Happy Marriage 3

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Wedding Invitations - Tips Happy Marriage 3

Select a song that can be “our song” ~ this sounds like a cliché, but it can be nice, don’t you think?

Give back rubs ~ this means: be comforting both mentally and physically and if you don’t know how to give back rubs and massages; it is time to learn!

Laugh together ~ laughter is like smiling and as they say: it is medicine. When you share good laughs together; the fun grows in the relationship and you grow closer and stronger every day.

Send a card for no reason ~ another cliché? Maybe, but everyone likes to receive a nice “I love you” or “I miss you” notes every once in a while; it does boost one’s ego, doesn’t it?

Do what the other person wants before he or she asks ~ of course; you need to know your spouse so well to be able to do this one. I guess this comes with time as you grow to know each other but seek to get that knowledge; don’t assume that it will come to you!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Luxury Wedding Card - Tips Happy Marriage 2

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Luxury Wedding Card - Tips Happy Marriage 2

Be gentle ~ a person is supposed to be the closest to his/her spouse, being gentle is crucial to keep them close enough or they will find that comfort elsewhere.

Give gifts ~ nice small gifts are appreciated every once in a while

Smile often ~ I would say: Smile Always because it is contagious and you are more likely to be smiled at when you show your teeth more often!!

Touch ~ intimacy between married people is very important and touching is a means of communication that reflects closeness, connection and love; it is your way of keeping the spark alive.

Talk about dreams ~ dreams of the future that is; if you don’t share your dreams with your spouse; then who?

Wedding Card - Tips Happy Marriage

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Wedding Card - Tips Happy Marriage

Start each day with a kiss ~ I think this one is not that hard; on the contrary; it can be healthy and nice.
Wear your wedding ring at all times ~ most couples do wear the ring, however; their reasons might vary, so as long as they think of it as a sign of their commitment to their spouses, then they are on the safe side.

Date once a week ~ I believe this one is very healthy; maybe not as often as once a week, let’s say every other week or that a date can be inside your home and that you don’t have to go somewhere fancy to have it, you get the idea, right?

Accept differences ~ No one is perfect. However; healthy arguments are good for the relationship, hence; the most important thing would be learning how to compromise with one another.

Be polite ~ Please, thank you, you are welcome… these are not only meant for strangers; your own spouse and family should come first and you must always use these phrases inside your home.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Luxury Wedding Card Invitations

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Luxury Wedding Card Invitations